Bee Happy!

International Youth Hockey Tournament

Countdown to Bee Happy! 31 May - 2 June 2025










Dear Friends,
Riva Hockey Club is excited to extend an invitation to you for the ninth edition of our tournament:
Taking place in the stunning backdrop of Riva del Garda, Italy, this promises to be a fantastic weekend both for the youngest athletes and for the slightly more grown up hockey lovers.
With plenty of hockey action, beautiful beaches, towering mountains, and various other games, we guarantee three days of absolute fun and relaxation for you and your parents.
But there’s more like the Sunday Night Party with Team Games and Challenges!
After an exciting day of matches, it’s time to unwind and enjoy the fun-filled activities we have in store.
DATES: May 31>> June 2, 2025
  • Saturday, May 31, 2025:  Tournament starts at 12:00
  • Sunday, June 1, 2025:  Full day of hockey and Sunday Night Party
  • Monday, June 2, 2025: Tournament ends at 15.00
  • Under 8 Mix (born up to 2017) 3 a-side, without goalkeeper
  • Under 10 Mix (born from 2015 to 2017) 5 a-side, without goalkeeper
  • Under 12 Female (born from 2013 to 2015) 5 a-side, with goalkeeper
  • Under 12 Male (born from 2013 to 2015) 5 a-side, with goalkeeper
  • Under 14 Female (born from 2011 to 2014) 7 a-side, with goalkeeper
  • Under 14 Male (born from 2011 to 2014) 7 a-side, with goalkeeper

ENTRANCE FEE: €50 per team (U8 teams participate for free)
Please send the attached form and a copy of the bank transfer to the email address You can find the bank details on the attached form. Team selection will be based on the fastest responses with all required documents. Space is limited, and if the limit is reached, we will promptly refund your payment.
Youth hostels, campsites, a variety of hotels, and self-catering apartments are available in the city of Riva del Garda. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for information.
Join us as and let’s make this tournament an unforgettable experience for everyone involved!
Laura: Tel +39 333 2297370
Facebook: Bee Happy International Hockey Tournament


Già dai primi anni dalla nascita, la nostra società ha sempre offerto ai suoi atleti la possibilità di partecipare a tanti tornei sia in Italia e all’Europa (Germania, Austria, Croazia, Spagna,
etc.). Ed è proprio questa vocazione al confronto con altre realtà e altri stili di hockey
(che da sempre ha caratterizzato le nostre squadre) che ha spinto i dirigenti di allora ad organizzare i primi tornei a Riva del Garda ai quali parteciparono soprattutto squadre provenienti da Germania ed Austria, attratte dalla bellezza del Trentino ma soprattutto del nostro lago.
Purtroppo il torneo subì un brusco stop a metà degli anni Ottanta a seguito della rifondazione societaria ed alla ricomposizione del settore giovanile.
Nel 2015, grazie alla volontà di alcuni membri del nuovo direttivo, è nato il Torneo Internazionale Bee Happy! riservato alle categorie giovanili. E già alla sua seconda edizione (2016), è stato considerato l’evento giovanile più importante d’Italia (come riportato dalla stessa Federazione Italiana Hockey sul proprio sito web).
Oltre a dare ai propri atleti ed alle proprie atlete la possibilità di confronto sportivo (e non solo) con altre realtà italiane ed europee,  il torneo si pone l’obiettivo di promuovere assieme al nostro sport anche la nostra Città ed il nostro territorio, in tutta Europa.
Already in the first years of its birth, our club encouraged participating in many tournaments within Italy and in Europe (Germany, Austria, Croatia, Spain, etc.). It is this aim, giving the opportunity to compare many other realities and hockey styles (that has always characterised our teams). It was this which encouraged our directive committee to organise the first tournament in Riva del Garda, where mainly German and Austrian teams participate, enticed by the beauty of Trentino and above all our lake.

Unfortunately, the tournament came to a grinding halt in the mid-eighties due to the re-structuring of the society and changes made to the youth sector.

After years of absence, in 2015, thanks to the enthusiasm of certain members on the new directive committee, the International Bee Happy Tournament was re-born. Reserved for youth categories. Already in its second year (2016), it was considered the most important youth event in Italy (as stated on the Italian Hockey Federation website).

It offers its athletes the possibility to compare and confront playing styles (and not only) with other Italian and European realities, the tournament also promotes, together with our sport, our city and our area to all of Europe!


Siamo felici, anzi felicissimi di aver ricevuto dalla Provincia Autonoma di Trento il marchio di sostenibilità per il nostro “BEE HAPPY! International Youth Hockey Tournament  2022”

Il torneo di hockey giovanile internazionale sarà quindi colorato di verde, per contribuire anche noi hockeisti al rispetto ed alla salvaguardia del nostro pianeta.

Tre le parole chiave, le tre R: RIDURRE, RIUTILIZZARE, RICICLARE
Saranno distribuiti bicchieri e borracce griffati con il logo Eco-eventi e l’intera area del torneo sarà servita da fontanelle da dove prendere l’acqua, sarà allestita un’isola ecologica dove poter anche imparare il giusto utilizzo dei bidoni per la raccolta differenziata, saranno utilizzati cibi a km 0, stoviglie biodegradabili e tante altre iniziative che mirano a migliorare la qualità ambientale.

Anche il Comune di Riva del Garda ci ha appoggiato: ora tocca a noi!

Il nostro obiettivo sarà quello di gridare che anche noi crediamo in un mondo migliore: quale occasione migliore del Bee Happy!, così ricco di giovani atleti ed atlete per i quali questo è un argomento che interessa molto da vicino.

We are happy, actually delighted that we have received the sustainability mark for our “BEE HAPPY! Youth Hockey Tournament 2022”.
The International youth tournament shall be coloured green, therefore even us hockey fanatics can contribute to respecting and safeguarding our planet.
Three key words, the three R’s : REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE
Designer glasses and water bottles will be distributed with the Eco-eventi logo and water fountains will be available in the entire surrounding area of the tournament, where one can re+ll and get water. There will also be an ecological island where one can learn the correct use of the recyclying bins, km zero foods will be used, biodegradable cuttllery and crockery and many other initiatives aimed at improving environmental quality.
Even the town hall of Riva del Garda has supported us: now it is our turn!
Our aim is to shout out that we too believe in a better world: and what better occasion to do it than during Bee Happy!, so full of young athletes and this being a topic that is so very dear to them.


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